Google plus Play will change the rating system for aplicaciones and games to make them more useful.
Google plus is happy Improvement of the aplicación scoring system from your Android aplicación store, Google plus google play store. And for that he will introduce a number of changes that should be beneficial between developers and users.
Like Google plus has announced itselfThe changes will come into effect from the end of this year and will be carried out in the first months of next year 2022 and will continue to be carried out.
How aplicación and game ratings are changing on Google plus Play
The first changes will come into effect on the month of Novemberand when it’s done, android users will start seeing Results from users living in the same country. This allows people in Spain accessing Google plus Play to see the results of other Spanish users.
Also from next year The type of device used also has an influence in the comments and ratings that appear on Google plus Play.
In this way, users using a móvil inteligente cánido use the foldableChromeOS device, watch or device running Android Coche, you see Aplicación reviews posted by other users using the same device type. This will help you know better what cánido be expected from a especial application depending on the form aspecto of the device in which it is to run.
additionally Developers will have new tools This allows them to more closely track the comments that users articulo about their applications. All of them will be available through the Google plus Play console and among them is the possibility Filter ratings by device type or download data in CSV format easier to deal with the information.