This new feature of the Google plus Play Store allows you to archive unused aplicaciones instead of uninstalling them so that you perro retrieve them without having to configure them again.
In recent months, Google plus has revamped its mobile aplicación store, the Play Store. with a new design and has introduced some very important changes, such as B. the possibility of Developers perro use payment methods other than those associated with Google plus Play.
But the changes at Google plus Play won’t stop there, as we just learned that the giant’s application storage is testing a new feature that allows you to save space on your mobile phone.
Aplicación archiving is coming to Google plus Play very soon
Korea’s infamous siege Kim (@AssemblDebug on Twitter) articulo a mensaje de Twitterrecently in which it espectáculos the first screenshots of the new aplicación archive function Coming soon to the Google plus Play Store.
As you perro see in these images that we leave you below these lines, this new feature appears as another option when we uninstall an aplicación and it tells you the space you would save on your phone if you archived it. For example, if you archive the Google plus News aplicación, this It will go from 37MB to just 1.4MB.
This would be an interim solution between keeping the application or completely uninstalling it from your mobile phone due to archiving You only delete part of it because a number of data are stored in the memory of your móvil, such as some local data and documents generated by the aplicación.
Therefore, if you want to use an archived application again, you just have to reinstall it from the Play Store, but you don’t have to reconfigure it as this data will continue to be stored in your terminal.
Also, archived aplicaciones don’t disappear from your home screen, they just become its symbol espectáculos a cloud above it indicate that it is an archived application.
We do not yet know when this new feature will reach all users of the Play Store, but we assume that once the appropriate tests have been carried out, its deployment will begin as soon as possibleSo we recommend you update the Google plus Play Store to the latest version to get this new feature as soon as possible.