If 5G and the “gigabit” era still starts with many promises, now imagine what 6G and its “terabit” revolution could offer us.
if still Most of us are waiting for 5G networks to be builtthat’s already there, but still in mode ‘not standing’ On 4G LTE hardware and without fácil and cheap terminals that bring it closer to everyone, Huawei and other Asian brands have taken the gauntlet from Japan and announced the start of their research on 6G, should be ready with a preview around the year 2030 being the key ‘terabits’.
In fact, some of the industry’s leading experts helped CounterPoint Research to learn the 6G revolution which always promise many challenges and complexities due to the use of higher frequencies, but will offer endless possibilities for transform our lives and the way we work and communicate in what the consultant calls something new ‘TeraEconomy’ World.
It’s practically the truth We’ve always completed these 10-year cycles in each generation of mobile connectivity and whether 5G has gone into production ‘gigabit’ and its minimal latency, 6G seems to be taking the leap ‘terabits’ Y accelerate the digital transformation that has started these days with big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence, augmented reality and robotics in general, with networked machines and the machine learning as a base.
The pandemic only delayed the start of all this transformation in the physical part of the networks by a few months, although in part it also contributed to it Accelerating collaborative teleworking and other aspects of more globalized technology collaboration that companies had to hurry and created a situation where talent is being sought and hired anywhere in the world and by every company, with powerful personal and full work connectivity available in 5G networks.
The transformation of connected life and work ushered in by 5G and the accelerating pandemic will be the foundation for 6G networks that will offer unlimited possibilities, such as: cars that they will even talk to each other.
Ten years for the investigation, another exponential leap for the revolution
As we approach 2030, we will see the improvements that 6G will bring us new mobile infrastructures that perro be operated in terahertz (THz).jump straight from today’s megahertz (MHz) spectrum to the gigahertz (GHz) used by 5G mmwave from the United States of America.
The proposed spectral ranges for 6G communications, they would operate between 300 GHz and 3 THza extremista change that will force us to realign the networks in microcells, but that informs some many more options to work in the network with an exponentially larger number of connected devices, which also increases the Bandwidth up terabits with latencies in the microsecond range.
But the change would be completely extremista We will need more research than ever to develop new technologies advanced waveforms, modulation techniques, coding, channels, architectures and, as we mentioned, different network plans and topologies enabling this leap to terahertz, to massive MIMO, and to holographic radio that still looks like something from another planet to us.
Indeed, this is expected a photonics-based approach with AI as the key to provide these smart grids that automatically optimize specific carriers for each need, increasing quality of service and improving energy management, but which greatly improves the connectivity of the mobile device partwhich requires better channels and direct visión in the microcells, as well as much better energy efficiency.
After developing so many technological innovations, there should be key jugadores such as Huawei or Docomowho has already announced it, but also AT&T, SK Telecom, ZTE, Nokia, Samsung, Ericsson, Qualcomm, China Mobile and many more, so we have some very interesting years ahead of us.
Applications and promises of 6G beyond what we cánido understand today
True, when we talk about the technology of the future, we imagine that for many years we have been presenting the world of flying cars and invisible robots, but this time it is so. It confirms that there are some expected emplees of the 6G that we don’t even understand to this day, and there is talk of a service like this, for example holo porting difficult to explain.
They say in the study that advanced compression techniques and architecture should enable us to have 6G transmit high definition holograms through our cell phonesin the technique of “holotransport” to it will augment these new augmented realities and the previous forms of communication will change.
The huge ranges of terabits they let us too Download or stream high-resolution images and vídeos in secondswhich will allow us to send this holographic communication from wireless connections to something in real time It should look like the developed vídeo call towards the dimension. Has anyone ever thought about Jedi Council meetings in Star Wars?
These 3D holograms, according to the study, the ten gigapixels would be big and they are needed terabits per second (Tbps) speed so that they cánido become reality.
Not only that, and it is that latencies in the microsecond range would unlock real-time touch aplicaciones like remote collaborative operations with “zero latency”as well as remotely controlling machines in dangerous jobs, controlling robots in rescue operations, and more.
Some also speak of the possibility that Create high-resolution digital twinswhich will allow us to access a parallel digital world with our avatars, mixed reality devices and even Real-time virtual reality vídeo game environments and with other jugadores.
It certainly seems so 6G will revolutionize our livesor at least it promises much more than the 5G that we already know, which establishes the improvement of lower latency, higher capacity and the possibility of network building machine to machine serve as a starting point for autonomous cars, collaborative industrial robot networks, vídeo games and en línea content. stream from anywhere and of course many other options that we don’t know about yet.
It looks like the ‘TeraEconomy’ will become a reality sooner rather than later and while there is still work to be done we will be here to tell you how mobile connectivity will revolutionize our lives!