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How to View Instagram Stories Without Being Seen (2023)

We all love watching Instagram stories, but others don’t know as much. We explain how you cánido view Stories anonymously.

How To View Instagram Stories Without Them Knowing (2023)
Instagram Stories perro be viewed using these methods.

Instagram Stories are the photos and vídeos that are published on the popular network and that only lasts 24 hours. The truth is that this content is more habitual than the usual releases, but there is a downside: other users perro see if you’ve seen their stories. This is not always the case because it is Different ways to view Instagram stories without them noticing.

These stories are a good place for gossip, why will we deny it, but sometimes you have to do it anonymously. If you don’t want them to see your stories, the easiest way is to block someone on Instagram Stories. However, whenever you want seeing the stories without seeing them, there are several options that you cánido complejo turístico to. Below we explain which ones will still be available in 2023.

Here’s how to view Instagram stories without them noticing

The easiest way to do this View Instagram Stories without noticing them to use airplane mode. The process to achieve this is fácil: Open the aplicación and let the stories load in the top bar from the main screen.

If you’re sure the information you want is already loaded, put your phone on airplane mode to block all internet access. Take the opportunity to view the Instagram stories you want Gossip before you disable Airplane mode and use the aplicación as usual again.

Aplicaciones and websites to view Instagram stories anonymously

Another way to view Instagram stories without them knowing is to use one of the many aplicaciones created for this purpose. Before you see what tools are available to you, there are two details you should be aware of. First, the account whose stories you want to see is anonymous must be publicWell, Instagram protects those who are private very well. Second, that the websites and applications are dedicated to this task Usually there is a barrier by not respecting Instagram’s Acceptable Use Policy.

You perro make it easy for yourself to see Instagram stories without being seen with the following options, because that’s what we checked they are all still active today.

stories down

It is the first method that allows you to view Instagram stories without being discovered by other users stories down, a very easy to use website. After accessing the website, you will see a text box that says “Entrar Instagram nombre de usuario”. As the message espectáculos, you should entrar the name of the usuario whose stories you want to see. it is important, that Write the name as isotherwise the platform will not find it.

StoriesDown espectáculos you both Stories published in the last 24 hours like the pictures shared on your life. In addition, it allows you Download stories on your device. However, you cannot access the account highlights. Despite these details, it is a more than useful tool.

stories down

Anonymous Instagram Stories Viewer

Another way to view Instagram stories without others knowing is the internet. Anonymous Instagram Stories Viewerthat cánido be used in any way completely free. It works very afín to the previous alternative, with a text box on the main page where you have to do it Entrar your nombre de usuario What you want to look for.

You don’t need an account for this recently published stories by the usuario nor to see his publications life. After accessing their profile, you perro clic on their profile picture to view the stories in order, or scroll down to view the available content individually. If you clic on any of the stories you cánido do so Download them using the “Download” button. from the top right corner.

By the way, you perro use this website from any device: Cell phone, computer, tablet… You know, all you have to do is entrar the nombre de usuario to get the latest published stories.

Anonymous Instagram Stories Viewer

blind history

This application aims to visualize Instagram stories without informing the usuario who published them. There’s your download free from the Google plus Play Store, but to watch more than 15 stories a day you need to subscribe to a paid plan. According to the aplicación, the monthly plan is 2.49 euros, the semi-annual plan is 10.99 euros and the annual plan is 15.99 euros.

If you choose this one 15 free stories,, you should know that you cánido also download them to your device. Being a paid tool from a certain point, BlindStory is a good alternative to view Instagram stories in invisible mode from your mobile phone or tablet.

Google plus Play – BlindStory


Another website you cánido use to view Instagram stories anonymously storiesCompletely free and without registration. Again, this is a very fácil method that essentially consists of Entrar your nombre de usuario in the text field of the start screen.

Once the profile is loaded, you perro see their information (number of posts, followers, bio, etcétera.) and all the content they have published, divided into different categories. Without a doubt, StoriesIG the most complete alternative of this guide because it allows us to do that too Highlights, permisos and IGTV. You perro also download all jobs.


How to View Instagram Stories Anonymously Without Using Airplane Mode

You absolutely must want to see stories from other Instagram accounts when using this option, Plan B. In your desperation, make one secondary account to be able to spy on other profiles without the users really knowing who is behind that strange name seeing all their posts.

With this method, you cánido gossip with as many public accounts as you like, even if You need private profiles to trust your secondary account and accept your follow-up requests. If you think this Plan B is too good for your spying desires, you perro always do so Limit yourself to the above options to view Instagram stories without the knowledge of others.
