When you pay for LinkedIn Premium, you make the most of it.

LinkedIn is a popular network aimed at work, the corporate world, and those who want to improve their opportunities. In fact, it is one of the best aplicaciones to find a job. Unknown to many, yes Encuentro point for professionals and where a lot of information cánido be exchanged and a network of contacts built, which cánido be very useful.
LinkedIn is a free network, however There is a paid version called LinkedIn Premium with which you get many advantages. We’ll know what LinkedIn Premium is, what the different plans are, and whether you’re interested in paying for it or not.
LinkedIn Premium: the popular work network’s payment plan
LinkedIn Premium is the free alternative to your existing traditional network. It has to be said that it is not a parallel network, but it allows a number of possibilities that are not available with the free version. I’ll see How is this version different from LinkedIn Premium? from the estándar you already use.
LinkedIn Premium gives you the ability to see who’s visited your profile up to 90 days in advance. You will know that with the free version you cánido only see 5 people, the rest are already as aparente LinkedIn users only. It might seem silly, but having control over who visits your profile lets you know who’s watching you, which is interesting if you’re looking for a job and want to knock on the door
Perhaps one of the most destacable benefits of the paid version is the ability to private message or InMails to other non-first class LinkedIn users. They expand the possibilities of connecting directly with someone without asking them to be your contact.
The system allows for an advanced search Do this with palabras clave and much more precisely. For the HR department, it is a highly recommended option as it saves a lot of time and effort.
As a member of LinkedIn Premium you have direct access to a a learning platform called LinkedIn Learning. A large number of en línea courses will be available to you that perro improve your training and make your sintetiza bolder. It is already known that training for any professional must be continuous. From courses to learn English to advanced marketing or learning how to use Canva.
What are the LinkedIn Premium plans?
Depending on your needs, you cánido go Premium in four different ways. Depending on which one you choose, you will have one cost or another, but in addition you will have to competencies focuses on your profile.
Outstanding Career: It is the most recommended option for those who are looking for a job and want to stand out in a preferred way. It allows you to compare your CV with the rest of the candidates for an offer. The price is €29.98 per month if you opt for annual billing.
Premium Business: which has an easy-to-read feed for professionals who have a business or want to breathe life into their personal brand. The price is 44.99 euros per month with annual payment.
Sales Navigator Professional: It’s clearly geared towards sales. If your goal is to grow your customer network and get them to join, this plan is for you. The price is €59.99 per month if you opt for annual billing.
Recruiter Lite: This is the most comprehensive plan of all that makes up LinkedIn Premium. It costs €89.99 per month billed annually and is a good recommendation for HR departments. His orientation is clear to find the right profile of professionals to join your company.
In every LinkedIn Premium Plan you have the option Enjoy a free 30-day trial. Often the potato mold itself gives you a oportunidad to taste it during this time so you perro gauge the possibility of incorporation in the future.
Does LinkedIn Premium make up for that?
It is clear that LinkedIn Premium offers a number of very interesting advantages, but You or your company should consider the leap. Of course, for a freelancer, the premium career plan perro help you increase your employment opportunities, but it’s an added burden that adds to the myriad expenses these professionals already have.
The problem with LinkedIn Premium is not that it has more or less high economic costs, but that You won’t get much performance out of it. Trying it free for 30 days is always a recommended option, but before switching to LinkedIn Premium, it’s much more profitable to take full advantage of the free version.
In general, we go to this popular network to share information, recommend some publications and not much else. But if we seriously spend time doing a little work on LinkedIn, we’ll see How we perro get a lot out of it without paying anything. This is not to suggest that LinkedIn Premium is not recommended as is, but you are the one who needs to consider this economic cost.
Remember, as a popular network, Use it properly and without trying to stand out on controversial issues the best way to get the most out of your LinkedIn profile. It cánido make the difference whether a company contacts you or not.