Telegram added more than 70 million users during WhatsApp’s fall, a record number for the messaging aplicación.

The case of WhatsApp on October 4th was one of them largest in history the enterprise. It affected the messaging aplicación and the other Fb services, and lasted longer than 6 hours until Fb engineers found the genere and fixed the problems.
However, not everyone was injured in the fall. telegramthe most habitual WhatsApp alternative messaging aplicación he was able to exploit and equipo the situation more than 70 million people to its usuario base.
The demise of Fb sets a new usuario record for Telegram
As he himself confirmed Pavel DurovFounder of Telegram, Last Monday, October 4th, the messaging platform received a flood of new users. He points out that Telegram’s growth rate was “an order of magnitude above the norm” during the hours when WhatsApp was idle.
And while Telegram faced some struggles of its own in the first few hours, Durov is “proud of how his team has been able to handle the unprecedented growth.”
The number of new users – or “refugees” as Pavel Durov calls them – has been exceeded 70 millionabout one 3.5% of WhatsApp’s total usuario base, estimated at 2 billion.
Growth is important for a platform that was just a few months ago exceeded 400 million users for the first time, and is probably already reaching half a billion today. However, it’s likely that a good chunk of the 70 million new users won’t be actively using the platform… at least until the next WhatsApp crash.