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Not many people know, but Facebook launched two of their own mobile phones in 2011

There was a time when Zuckerberg also wanted to rule in the móvil space.

Not many people know, but Facebook launched two of their own mobile phones in 2011
Such was the HTC ChaCha.

At certain times you want to look back and remember the old days Usually these are exciting, but as long as they’re not bullshit, you also occasionally want to unearth big tech projects that have collapsed like a house of cards in one fell swoop.

There was a moment, back in 2011, when Fb was having one of its most critical moments (Not that he’s gone now, but he was of unrivaled dominance at other times).

Mark Zuckerberg’s company wanted more, it needed to “control” the lives of its users from all sides. started a project with HTC to create two mobile phones. Spoiler alert: They didn’t live very long.

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HTC Salsa and HTC ChaCha

​​​​The joint project of HTC and Fb was given the names of Sauce and ChaCha. The latter was the more interesting of the two, with a QWERTZ keyboard under 2.6 inch screen. The purpose of this terminal is to make it easier for users of all popular networks to articulo, although the reference to Fb was clear. In fact, their logotipo was embedded in the lower left part of the terminal.

For example, despite the possible veto of some sort on Fb, the HTX ChaCha supported other “popular networks” of the time Correo electrónico, mensaje de texto or other chat methods back then. It was clear that Zuckerberg believed they were the best and didn’t care about the competition or his own phone.

He in turn Sauce HTC it already looked much more afín to current teléfonos inteligentes. Of course, like its partner ChaCha, it included the Fb logotipo at the bottom where it could direct access to the popular network.

This device had interesting features for its time such as a 5 MP rear camera, 3.4 inch screen with a resolution of 480 x 320px and a single-core 800MHz únidad central de procesamiento with 512MB of RAM.

As you cánido imagine, their career hasn’t been very broad and due to their lack of success, Fb has abandoned their iniciativa of ​​a dynasty with them also in the field of teléfonos inteligentes.

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