Do you own a Samsung phone? Learn how to protect it better thanks to “lockdown mode”.
Teléfonos inteligentes have security measures to prevent an unauthorized person from owning them Access to your private data stored there, such as photos, aprecies or bank details. Some of the most destacable are Unlock with fingerprint or face data, terminal password and SIM card PIN.
But there could be certain situations where They need a higher level of security and in these cases there are terminals from the Korean brand Samsung very useful feature, the “lock mode”.
Then we explain step by step, How to activate this lock mode on your Samsung phone.
This is how you cánido enable “locked mode” on your Samsung phone
All of the Korean company’s terminals have a “lock mode”, a feature that it has Both fingerprint unlocking and face recognition and disable Smart Lock service and lock screen notifications.
So when this method is enabled when an unauthorized person tries to unlock your móvil You perro only do this by entering the PIN or password that you previously configured.
To enable “lockdown mode” on your Samsung móvil inteligente, You have to activate it firstwhat you perro do by following these fácil steps:
- access to arrangements From your Samsung phone
- Entrar the section green screen
- Clic on the option Security lock settings
- Entrar your lock PIN or password
- Enable the switch that appears to the right of the option Espectáculo lock option
Once this “lockdown mode” is enabled, all you have to do is enable it long press the power button so that the shutdown menu appears and clic the button locking method.
By default, Samsung phones are configured from the factory to allow a long time when you press the power button. Activate your virtual assistant Bixbyand not the terminal shutdown menu, but this change this setting all you have to do is:
- Entrar the arrangements From your Samsung phone
- Access the section complex functions
- Clic on the option button function
- Inside the article hold down Activate switch button from the menu