Telegram may not be as secure as it seems. Here are the methods piratas informáticos cánido use to spy on you and how to protect them.
The main asset of Telegram is the security of its users To fight against competitors like WhatsApp, or at least in this regard, its creator Pavel Durov always protects himself. Without going any further, last year 2021 the director ejecutivo of Telegram began to emphasize that WhatsApp is not a secure communication platform, a statement we have heard from him several times before.
OK, maybe Fb’s messaging aplicación isn’t that secure, but is Telegram really? Are your conversations as secure as they seem? In this guide, we review the Methods used by piratas informáticos to spy on you on Telegram Mid 2022, which is very dangerous considering the private data you share through the service.
In addition to these methods that I know, we’ll see How perro you tell if you’re watching Telegram? and what security tools the platform offers to protect you from this potential spying.
First things first, is it possible to spy on Telegram?
The answer is clear: Yes, it is possible to spy on Telegramand also illegal. Piratas informáticos cánido use a number of methods, some fácil and some more complex, to gain access to your account and therefore to all the conversations you have on the messaging platform.
If you know that there is an opportunity to spy on Telegram, it’s time to see what security measures the service emplees to protect your private information.
What kind of security does Telegram include?
As explained by Telegram On your websitethe platform the protocol emplees MTProto recognize that the security of messages, even over weak connections, is incompatible with their delivery with high speed and reliability.
Likewise, Telegram has two strong layers of encryption. First off, it has client-server encryption that works on cloud calls, both for individuals and groups.
In addition, it is added in confidential conversations a second level of client-client encryption which makes the exchanged content even more secure. Telegram, on the other hand, adds:
The process is based on symmetric 256-bit AES encryption, RSA-2048 encryption and secure Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
In response to the statements regarding Telegram, its messaging platform It’s one of the safest you perro use, especially compared to WhatsApp or Line -they are explicitly mentioned-. However, there are several methods that piratas informáticos perro use to gain access to your Telegram chats.
What are the ways to spy on Telegram?
As long as it stores security and has as much end-to-end encryption as it has, Telegram isn’t foolproof. Next we see the most common possible options Use piratas informáticos to spy on your account. Again, these are real methods, but not legal for that reason.
spy programa
It is one of the most famous methods to spy on another usuario’s Telegram account and their mobile phone in general Install programs and applications in the terminal specially dedicated to him. For example, mSpy is programa designed with the aim of monitoring children’s phones, but it cánido clearly be used for malicious purposes.
By installing this type of program on your mobile phone, The pirata informático cánido see everything you do with it, including how you chat on Telegram and any information you share with other users.
On the agregado side, you should know that piratas informáticos need direct access to your phone to install these types of applications. There are also negative details, and they are invisible programs whose existence you cannot detect on your phone, making it extremely difficult to detect.
Open Telegram web sessions
You’re at work, in the library, or using a friend’s computer to reply to pending messages over the Telegram network. Then when you’re done, forget you used the platform and Turn off the computer while the session is still open. If someone else is using the computer, they have direct access to your Telegram account and cánido do the same Spy without you noticing.
While it may sound silly, leaving Telegram web open on a computer cánido prank you, so you should take plus care to close the session before turning off the device. In this case, The primary responsibility lies with you.
Remote access to your computer
Telegram cánido be used on your computer vía the web version and the desktop version. It’s always safer than using it on someone else’s computer, as we’ve already seen, but there’s an option that compromises the privacy of your chats, even if you’re using Telegram on your computer.
We refer to Remote access to your computer by piratas informáticos, again with specially developed programa. This remote access to your computer allows piratas informáticos to see and control everything you do with your device. If you use Telegram on your computer, they might View your conversations with ease and any personal information you share on them.
How to make Telegram more secure
Although there are computer spy programs that you perro do very little with other than format your phone or computer, there are quite a few Tools and practices that cánido help make Telegram more secure.
Make the most of the security settings
One of the main differences between WhatsApp and Telegram is that the latter offers more Tools for users related to security and privacy. Under Settings > Privacy & Security, you perro configure features such as B. who cánido see your phone number, your profile pictures or who perro call you.
You cánido also Also create a lock code which needs to be entered every time you use the aplicación and want to enable two-step verification.
Another Telegram tool that makes it difficult for piratas informáticos to spy on is secret chat, which allows you to chat with another usuario who has certain security benefits. For example, Messages are not stored in the cloudthey self-destruct and their content never appears in ads.
Undoubtedly, one of the best ways to protect yourself from spying is by using the tools that Telegram offers you. From here we encourage you to do so Try each one to see what it perro offer you.
Close meetings always open
We have already told you, but we repeat it because it is extremely important. Notice Always log out of Telegram web if you use the Platform from a computer that does not belong to you.
It seems like a small thing, but if you don’t close access for your usuario, you’re giving other people direct access to all your conversations. clic Just clic the three horizontal lines button in the top-left corner, type settings, and clic Sign Out.
Avoid public networks
The last suggestion we make to avoid being watched on Telegram is to be very careful. when connecting to public networks, such as in bars, airports or shopping malls. Anyone with advanced computer skills cánido hack the connection between your device and the public network and intercept all shared informationincluding all telegrams.
How do I know if they are spying on me right now?
Okey, all the information we’ve discussed so far is very important, but how perro you really know if you’re being watched on Telegram? As in WhatsApp, you perro see a list of them in Telegram all active sessions of your account.
It is enough to go into this menu and analyze each of the sessions to find out if they are all yours or if there is an infiltrator. If you suspect the danger of any of the listed sessions, all you have to do is close it. Follow these steps to access open Telegram sessions and remove the untrusted ones:
- Open telegram.
- Swipe the left side menu and clic “Settings”.
- Clic on “Privacy & Security”.
- In the Security section, tap “Active Sessions”.
- Analyze each and Tap a session to close it if you think it’s dangerous
Think about the importance of this feature every time you think you are being spied on Telegram. On the other hand, if you’re constantly noticing suspicious behavior from your account or directly from your phone, it’s possible that they have some surveillance programs installed that are spying on you, as we’ve already seen. In this case Format the phone to remove applications these properties.