Telegram and WhatsApp are working to provide the same functionality on their respective platforms: replying to messages.
Although WhatsApp is the most habitual instant messaging application today, Telegram is still the instant messaging application the platform that offers the usuario the most functionsas it doesn’t stop adding new functionalities all the time.
With that in mind, after recently learning that Telegram is testing a new feature to avoid spoilers, we just learned that the platform was created by the Durov brothers compete with WhatsApp to see which of the two will launch the same feature first. Read on and find out what it is.
Message reactions are already aparente in Telegram Beta for iOS
As the guys from Android Police tell us Telegram is working to include replies to messages on its platform ahead of its main competitor WhatsApp, which recently told us what they would look like.
Reddit usuario shared on the Telegram subreddit Vídeo captured by the channel beta info of the messaging client we leave you below these lines where you cánido See reactions to messages in action in the Telegram for iOS beta.
In this vídeo you cánido see this telegram up to 11 different emojis to reply to your messages which you will find in individual and group discussions, among other things Thumbs up, thumbs down, heart, fire, laughter, party, cheeks or vomit.
If we focus on groups, Anyone cánido see who replied to which emoji and moreover, administrators may only allow the use of the same A small selection of emojis to reply to your messages or even disable this feature in your groups.
As in the case of WhatsApp and as you perro see in the previous vídeo, all the reactions to messages on Telegram It is accompanied by fun animations like a fire burning on the screen, or a bunch of different colored thumbs popping out of a larger thumb in the middle.
Although so far this feature is only aparente in the beta version of Telegram for iOS, it is expected that this new feature will come I also ended the beta of Telegram for Android.