Telegram has just received a major update, with new features as interesting as group vídeo calls or animated backgrounds for chats.
One of major updates in recent months. The instant messaging application is finally launched Group Vídeo Calls that we were promised a few months ago, as well as other novels including the new one “animated wallpapers” for the talks.
Many of the news announced by Telegram are available in the mobile version, as well as on Telegram Web and the computer version.
Everything new coming to Telegram
The main novelty of the update is the arrival of the Group Vídeo Calls. As stated by the company behind the aplicación itself, it is an “extension” of the Telegram voice chatswhich is now allowed activate the vídeo to a vídeo conference with others – up to 30, although the member limit will be increased soon -.
An interesting application of this function is in the screen sharing feature with the rest of the participants of the vídeo call or with the choice Activate the noise reduction system to prevent background noise from creeping into our audio.
He is Telegram vídeo calls are available in mobile version and in Telegram desktop. In addition, in the case of Telegram Desktop, features like the optional screen sharingSo you cánido only share a separate window on the desktop, and there the vídeo call window opens automaticallyIt is possible to continue chatting while on a group vídeo call.
but Vídeo calls aren’t the only news coming to Telegram today. In addition, Telegram has a new feature of live wallpaper for chats.
These tools add dynamism to the conversations colorful gradient effects generated by an algorithm, a move every time a message is sent.
Telegram claims so These animations do not consume much energyand the possibility is there Create your own animated backgrounds Choose between three or four colors and add a pattern of shapes to the wallpaper if desired. If they are created, they cánido be to share with others.
On the other hand, Telegram has been added new animation to the stickers and emojis, which now “jump” from the keyboard into the conversation with one fluid movement. In the case of iOS, it has been additionally added Semi-transparency for some usuario interfaz elementsand users get the opportunity Change aplicación icon.
As if that wasn’t enough, there’s another one Credential reminders menufrom which the usuario perro be recommended Keep your Telegram related phone number up to date so as not to lose track. Yes, on Android, this reminder will appear starting with the next aplicación update.
Eventually, Telegram sent a bot menu In any case, this allows you to explore and use the available commands more quickly. Also includes the possibility Easier to import stickers into Telegramand added even more animated emojis.