In time it came one of the best customization aplicaciones for android, alongside Nova Launcher itself as the reference launcher in our favorite operating system. However, the passage of years and the decisions of its developers brought it to an end Apex Launcher fade into the background and be forgotten, even by the most loyal.
Now the Android Does team wants to take us back to the Apex Launcher days with a new version of the launcher that has just landed on Google plus Play and that defines by name: Apex Launcher Classic.
Apex Launcher Classic comes to Google plus Play
It was the biggest problem with the original version of Apex Launcher the developers’ intention to clutter the application with features that many users found unnecessary. And although there are already more than 10 million people who have this application installed, many of them have switched to another launcher that is a little less overloaded in terms of features.
With this “new” version, Apex Launcher returns to its origins, and while it retains all the features that any usuario cánido expect from an aplicación like this, it forgets about those redundant tools and features that didn’t bring much to the users.
General, Apex Launcher Classic is only version 3 of Apex Launcher, for many the latest “good” version of the aplicación. So, anyone who missed the days when Nova Launcher wasn’t the most recommended option to customize Android home screen should definitely give this aplicación a try.
But how Apex Launcher Classic is a free applicationAll aplicación features cánido be unlocked with a single payment.