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The camera performance of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is improved

Thanks to the community, improve the camera of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 with this mod

At the IFA in Berlin last September, all the innovations that we had seen during the year were presented. As is almost always the case, one of them was the news from Samsung, including one of its flagship products. The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 was introduced, perhaps the best terminal created and considered the best Korean company móvil the moment.

And has Samsung created a masterpiece either to him hardware These include the latest news, the incredible screen that it includes or the improvement in performance and speed of the TouchWiz graphical interfaz. Well, since its release on the market, the community has not stopped working and looking for ways to improve the terminal’s performance if they perro.

For starters, they’ve already figured out how have access to root and our colleagues root they showed you good now They managed to improve the functions of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 camera and improve its performance. To enjoy them we must have rooted our amazing terminal.

With this mode We will improve the quality of recordings and vídeo recordings which is factory limited by the Korean company. JPEG photos have a quality of 96% and we will improve it and leave it at 100%. It will also improve the recording time on the DUAL FHD and HD cameras by extending it, just like the ready movement and other features that will be added if they work or not and with which we perro proceed this page by XDA developers.

To be able to install and test this improvement on our Samsung Galaxy Note 4, we have two options:

manual installation

  • Download any archivo manager with access root like ES Archivo Explorer.
  • Download these archivos and copy them to our device’s memory. | camera and quality (Choose your version and download the latest version).
  • Now we go to this folder with the archivo manager /system/aplicación and delete the applications apks Y SamsungCamera3.odex.
  • Copy the archivos from apks to the folder /system/aplicación.
  • Giving permission rw-rr.
  • Copy the archivo xml archivo a /system/etcétera/.
  • Giving permission rw-rr.
  • Restart our device.

Install from recovery

  • Download the archivo flashable and copy it to our device’s memory. | camera and quality (Choose your version and download the latest one from the folder flashable).
  • Turn off the device and insert the recreation. To do this we must press the Power + Volume Up + Home button at the same time.
  • Inside recreation we vote Flash zip from SD card and browse for the downloaded archivo.
  • we flash Zip and reboot.
