The number of monthly active MIUI users worldwide is already over 500 million.
The mobile device market is dominated by Xiaomi, Samsung and Apple, but out of these three manufacturers, it is undoubtedly the one that has done it Xiaomi has grown the fastest in recent years.
And everything seems to point to it The development of the Chinese giant knows no upper limitbecause we just learned 15% of humanity already use a Xiaomi phone. That is the incredible number of MIUI users around the worldthat doesn’t stop growing year after year.
The number of MIUI users has increased fivefold in just 6 years
As the guys from Gizmochina tell us Xiaomi just announced the number of monthly active MIUI users worldwide as of November 22, 2021 passed the 500 million markwhich means, that 15% of humanity already use a Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO móvil.
In this sense, the Chinese company also showed that the growth of MIUI users in 2021 since the beginning of the year is incredible 18.65 million new users in China and 100 million new users worldwide.
Since then, the number of MIUI users, and therefore the terminals of the Chinese company, has increased fivefold in just 6 years in August 2015 it reached 100 million usersthree years later, it doubled that number, reaching 200 million, a year later, in October 2019, that number already more than 300 million and now It has reached 500 million monthly active users.
This growth is also reflected in Xiaomi’s financial data for the third quarter of this year, as Xiaomi had done during this period Total sales of 78.1 billion yuanwhich corresponds to a growth of 8.2% compared to the previous year Net profit of 5.176 million yuanwhich corresponds to an increase of 25.4% compared to the previous year.