The North American company is doubling the numbers in its home country, while Apple is the only one slowing down.
As shown, cell phone sales in the United States are down 6% year over year Report published by Counterpoint. While most companies have grown, the collapse of one of the major companies has sent the market down
The decline in sales manzana It seems that the generally declining market makes the enormous influence of the Californian manufacturer more than clear. Google plusof his, it continues to grow in the US market, albeit slowly.
Google plus doubles its numbers, Apple falls
As you perro see in the graphic, Most large companies have grown compared to the same period in 2021. But Apple, the North American market leader, falling 7% on contract. The iPhone 12 was a huge success that rocked the entire market from late 2020 to mid-2021, which wasn’t repeated with the iPhone 13.
It’s not that iPhones have been selling less, in fact more devices have been sold worldwide than last year. However, the pressure on American soil was not so strong.
Google plus’s market share was 1% in the first quarter of 2021. in the first months of this year 2022 it has reached 2%. The presence has doubled, but those are still discrete numbers for a company of this size.
One of the most important floods is the Motorola, whose market share has doubled to 12%. It is already the third manufacturer in the North American country, with a relatively large advantage over TCL, the fourth company with 3% of sales. Samsungsecond in top, also grew by 3%.
The global market is devastated and it seems that sooner or later every manufacturer will be hit. It’s odd that Apple is suffering on its own land and not the world, though It seems only a matter of time before a generalized recession hits.