Unsurprisingly, a new study by SellCell espectáculos that iPhones are falling in price at a much slower rate than the Samsung Galaxy S22 or Google plus’s Pixel 6 in the trade-in market.

It seems that Samsung is doing better than ever in the móvil industry, although the South Korean giant has never done so Fill the gap from the massive and rapid depreciation your devices have sufferedespecially if we compare them to the Apple iPhone.
In fact, both manufacturers, Samsung and Apple, are posting impressively good numbers in a nationwide decline around the world, despite Samsung having to delay sales of its Galaxy S22 due to high demand and high prices. components due to missing deliveries.
In any case, we came here to talk about prices and it is that the Galaxy S22 has already been on the market for more than two months and cánido be compared with the iPhone 13 to review it. which will be devalued more and how the best exporters of both platforms are developing on the marketiOS and Android, in SellCell’s analysis.
It’s no secret that iPhones are standing the test of time better and depreciating less in the market, and while Samsung manages to limit offers by focusing on temporary promotions rather than more general price cuts, used teléfonos inteligentes continue to fall like the foam .
As our colleagues have told us SamMobilefrom SellCell the Exchange values of the Galaxy S22, the iPhone 13 and the Google plus Pixel 6 for two months after his release, and without a doubt the Galaxy S22 takes the cake the devaluation Prices fall by an average of 51.1% in less than 60 days.
The weird thing about all of this is that the fall is almost instantaneousin the first few weeks backed by two months of stopping devaluation and it already marks a estándar retail price and likely will for the next several months.
For her, the Google plus Pixel also falls by 43.5%espectáculos that Android phones are degrading faster than Some iPhones losing only 16.4% the market price in the first two months of its life.
In a few weeks, the Galaxy S22 will hit support and cost half instead, and the iPhone 13 will keep 85% of its price if we escoge to sell or change it after two months.
Although a móvil inteligente will never be an investment, you already know that If you’re looking to buy an Android móvil inteligente, it’s not ideal to start with but wait a few weeks for exchange prices to reach support and in case you change your phone in short time, the iPhone will have a much better market price on second-hand platforms and repurchase shops.
In any case, keep this in mind in your en línea shop Samsung usually offsets these trade-in prices when we pre-order one of their new Galaxyso we really don’t have to tear our clothes if we always choose the best Galaxy and deliver the previous one… There are no surprises here!