Given the results achieved over the past year, Samsung plans to focus its efforts on the mid-range. Their high assortment isn’t performing as expected, and in the entry-level areas they’re seeing bottom-line sales. This prompted them to completely rethink their mid-range, even to the point of revising their nomenclature by introducing the Galaxy M range.
The first benchmarks of one of the terminals in this series have already been leaked. Galaxy M with the Exynos 7885 – the same processor that we have already seen in terminals like the Samsung Galaxy A8.
This is how the Galaxy M series performs
candidate from Outsider see the score obtained by the Samsung Galaxy SM-M205F, one of the first M-series terminals to be launched in 2019. The values achieved in the únidad central de procesamiento are 1319 points in single core and 4074 in multi core. Results slightly lower than Samsung Galaxy A8Terminal that gets 1485 and 4209 points respectively.
In this case, the terminal only has 3 GB of RAM, while the Galaxy A8 reaches up to 4 GB. This suggests that some of the Galaxy M series terminals won’t improve on the Galaxy A series, but will likely offer a afín experience at a lower price point. These new range terminals will be operational in 2019and will be part of Samsung’s proposed new roadmap to improve its sales results.
In our country, according to Kantar, the average price for móvil sales is 237 euros. The middle areas work well, and companies like Xiaomi have shown that value for money matters. Samsung’s mobile division has a great opportunity to adjust prices in its entry-level segments, a strategy that could help it get back on the growth path it’s strayed from these years.