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7 important news for Android 11

More than half of Android users worldwide are waiting Your phone is finally updated to Android 10Google plus has decided to release the first developer version of its next major operating system update. Android 11.

Like other preview versions Android 11 Developer Preview 1 That’s it: the first version intended for developers to work on the new version APIs and system-level architecture, despite the fact that it is possible, we do not recommend installing it on mobile phones intended for everyday use, as it perro genere problems.

But despite being a fácil trial, the arrival of Android 11 Developer Preview 1 will be of interest to most entusiastas of the long-awaited green Android operating system. news It is introduced with each new edition of the operating system.and this year they some important changes We’ll see it over the next few months as development progresses until the final version arrives.

No more disconnecting Bluetooth devices when turning on airplane mode

we don’t have the slightest iniciativa Why did it take so long to implement this feature?But finally here we are. And it matters.

With Android 11, Google plus succeeded Activate flight modeA Bluetooth connection remains active if: Device is connected and content is playingThat way, when you turn on your Bluetooth headphones while listening to music, you won’t suffer from annoying classic cuts.

A new Bluetooth ‘engine’ with a lot of history

He I’m having trouble with my Android’s Bluetooth connection It’s almost as old as the operating system itself, and while it’s true that Google plus is improving the stability and functionality of this technology over the next few years, the truth is that its operation leaves a lot to be desired. I’m here.

So instead of continuing to work on improving the programa for several years, Google plus decided to return to the workbench. This is commonly referred to as developing a new Bluetooth “stack”..

In especial, we are talking about the operating system programa that manages all the elements necessary to allow a Bluetooth connection. Since the birth of the operating system, Android has used “steel” in its name. “Fluoride”But this year, the company made a decision It’s time to jump to the new programa ‘Forkbeards’.

Beneath this strange name – the choice has a more or less logical explanation, even if it seems not – is “Stacked Bluetooth”. It is developed by Google plus In theory, it should make Bluetooth connections more stable and consistent.

To find out where this strange name came from, we have to go back Several long ago. More precisely, 958when Harold “Bluetooth” Gormson took the place of my father king of denmark He also briefly served as King of Norway. Eleven years later, the company Ericsson He used the name “Bluetooth” to honor Harald’s name and brought to life the wireless communication technology we know and use today.

And what does that have to do with Android’s new Bluetooth “Steel”? 28 years later, son Swen Forkbeard, succeeded him as king. When, surpriseThe word “Gabeldorsche” used by Google plus is German for the class of fish. “fork beard”.

In short, that’s what Google plus wants to convey with this fancy name. “Forkfish” is the successor to the current Android Bluetooth “engine”.Similarly, Sweyn Forkbeard 986 by his father Harald Gormsonn is the origin of the Bluetooth technology name.

Leave your wallet at home: quick access to your documents

as far into the future as possible forget your wallet at home And you will hardly regret it. Android 11 introduces one quick access Cards, passes and documents stored in Google plus Pay vía Press and hold the power button on your phone.

This will soon be possible in addition to the official ID support included in this version of the system. Please bring your ID, controlador card or passport directly by However We’ll have to wait until the law changes for these virtual documents to take effect. Unfortunately, there’s little Google plus perro do.

Further changes to gesture navigation

Android 10 is the first version of the operating system to introduce a full gesture-based navigation system.Of course he gave in problem When using these gestures, applications whose navigation format is based on a sidebar could not display these radio buttons. Swipe from the left edge of the screen toward the center — This signal was reserved for actions return.

Also, Google plus already provides APIs to aplicación developers to enable gesture-free navigation to the sidebar of their aplicaciones, and Android 11 introduces them. Option to change gesture sensitivity on the side of the screenThis makes it easier to open this type of menu in applications that don’t include options to work around restrictions introduced in Android 10.

Better organized ads

Elevator notification management returns in Android 11. Now, in addition to the existing categories in the notification panel, there is a new section called “Conversations” where messages are displayed. Notifications from messaging application conversations.

further in this sense Google plus finally implements floating bubbles in all messaging aplicacionesThe feature was first introduced to the system in Android 10, but will be enabled by default for the first time from Android 11 API 30 system.

Flag security and privacy

It’s no surprise that every new version of Android is introduced New privacy options and features To maintain the integrity of Usuario Data. Some of them were introduced in Android 11.

Possibility first Issuance of single-use permits Access the applications installed on your device to access your location, microphone, or camera. With this feature, the required permissions will be requested again the next time the aplicación is opened.

while the system “memory capacity” Introduced in Android 10, it became even more prominent, indicating that everything would become the default system in Android 11. It is to prevent access to external data. Scoped storage, by its very nature, has become one of the most controversial implementations in recent years. This is because some aplicaciones, especially Archivo Explorer and afín tools, were unable to access the data stored on the device and stopped working completely.

In addition, improvements have been made from a safety point of view. Biometric Prompt APITherefore, the developers will support the Google plus Pixel 4 facial recognition technology.

More elementos may be updated vía Google plus Play

When Google plus announced Project Mainline, a system to “modularize” the operating system to allow for some of the necessary components Download updates from Google plus PlayManufacturers will avoid developing and shipping full OTA updates module upgrade Vía the Aplicación Store.

On the other hand, in Android 11, Up to 12 modulesAllows more features of the operating system to be updated vía Google plus Play. This accelerates the introduction of new features and security improvements across all devices.

this is part of it Here are the main news to expect from Android 11. Despite the fact that the list of changes is in early preview for many developers, it’s important to remember that most of the interesting features won’t be announced until Google plus I/O 2020 next May. first open beta From android 11.
