Probably the most important feature of Android as an operating system is a ability to adapt thanks to an open platform for developers. For this reason, a multitude of applications have been developed and designed to customize our Android terminals down to the smallest detail.
From all There are different types of utilities that we perro use to change the appearance of the programa: wallpapers – including animated wallpapers -, widgets, icon paquetes and launchers.
In this guide we’re going to talk precisely about this last category, because after all, launchers are the type of custom aplicaciones that cánido change the appearance of our devices the most and in the fastest and easiest way.
What is a starter?
The word Starter that comes from English and pitcher meansIn Android, this type of application was named that way for this reason Your task is to start all applications installed on our devices. In addition to this function, launchers are generally defined by containing the application drawer and the various home panels where we perro add icons and widgets. So with these applications we perro Change and customize most aparente aspects of the home screen for our devices.
The vast majority of manufacturers also integrate their own launcher programa into their phones’ programa, which is part of each company’s customization layer. These launchers usually Providing a unique customization that sets them apart from other manufacturers. Samsung has its One UI usuario interfaz, Xiaomi has been using MIUi on its phones since its inception, and Google plus emplees the Pixel Launcher on its Pixel family devices. It needs to be clarified that launchers should not be mixed with custom layers as the first is part of the second but not vice versa.
What is a starter?
As we mentioned before, a starter is usually used to this Customize most of the visual features and home screen operation of our Android terminals. There are countless unofficial launchers created by third-party developers, some more configurable than others, with vastly different appearance or methods of launching applications.
One aspect to consider, which depends on some of the above premises, are the launchers it may consume more or fewer resources and depending on the Android version used by our device and the technical characteristics of each terminal, they may be displayed more or less fluid when interacting with the system interfaz. Therefore, when choosing a good launcher, in addition to the visual aspect and usability, we must consider the optimization and capabilities of our device when running it.
In most third-party launchers, the layout cánido be edited Number of desktop screensSize and picture of the icons that the number of rows and columns in which icons and widgets perro be placed, the aplicación drawer display, the way to access and format the aplicación drawer, and many other aspects related to the appearance and operation of the home screen. Each launcher also introduces its own equipo of features that we’re unlikely to find in the rest.
The most habitual launchers
Although there are hundreds of applications in this category on Google plus Play, few of them have reached the level of popularity that requires installation on millions of Android devices around the world. We detalla below some of the best Android launchers on Google plus Play, along with some of their features most important. The vast majority perro be too download completely free.
- New starter: the most habitual and most customizable launcher out there. Its interfaz is based on a pure Android look and includes another interesting trick.
- Action Starter: Although afín to the previous one, for many Action Launcher is still a more complete aplicación than Nova. Its design is also reminiscent of the AOSP Launcher.
- Garden chair: the most customizable pixel launcher. It brings some of the exclusive features from Google plus Pixel devices to all Android devices.
- Niagara Launcher: a fácil and minimalistic launcher. All the aplicaciones on the home screen are in a vertical list format and don’t come with too many customization options.
In addition to the classics, you will also find several powerful launchers give a completely different usuario experience with the one that Android offers us in its original state. There are even some that try to simulate the operation of another mobile platform such as iOS or the now defunct Windows Phone.
Under this kind Alternative launcher for Android we iOS 12 launcher, Smart launcher 3, Small starter either My starterAmong many others we perro find with a fácil search in the Aplicación Store.
If you want More information about launchers, we recommend you visit our section entirely dedicated to customization on Android. If you reached this article without knowing what a launcher is, you’ll probably be interested in our guide on how to get started with Android. Now you know how to customize your mobile home screen the way you want, and launchers are just the start.