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WhatsApp crashes on Fuel Telegram, which has already surpassed this incredible download milestone on Google Play

Telegram joins the elite club of Android aplicaciones with more than 1 billion downloads on Google plus Play.

WhatsApp crashes on Fuel Telegram, which has already surpassed this incredible download milestone on Google Play
Promotional image of the latest version of Telegram showing the emojis in full screen.

Isn’t that telegram the most habitual instant messaging service in the world, although the truth is that it is one of the most complete, much more fair than WhatsApp itself, an application that still overcome ground although with each fall it gets closer and closer.

Not surprisingly, Telegram executives were ready to hire around 70 million new users of their services in the last big rush of users due to the general collapse of Fb, which Pavel Durov, director ejecutivo of the company, also assured that they were. “They would not disappoint any of their users”.

Interesting that Record influx of new users to Telegram He acquired the aplicación based in Dubai eventually reached 1 billion downloads on the Google plus Play Storethat joins a select club of essential aplicaciones for Android that include essential Google plus services or the Fb and WhatsApp aplicaciones themselves.

Telegram (free) | google plus play

More than 70 million people joined Telegram during the WhatsApp crash

In fact it is WhatsApp still has a lot of leeway As for Telegram, since its download counts are on Google plus Play more than 5,000 million downloadsalthough the growth of the Telegram service is significant despite WhatsApp’s constant outages and its slow development.

The worst are these bare numbers We never have active usuario dataalthough I have to admit that in my circle of friends and acquaintances gradually more and more people join and I have already 100% transferred several groups to Telegram.

Are your situations afín? Because the only reality is that Telegram is more complete than WhatsAppMulti-platform and multi-device since the beginning, more secure with end-to-end encryption as always, and also a large amount of monthly news like the latest in version 8.0.1 with its new custom themes for each chat room, read receipts in groups and full-screen interactive emojis.

Telegram reaches 1 billion downloads on Google Play

Telegram reaches 1 billion downloads on Google plus Play.

Telegram, the MEGAGUIDE: The 31 best tricks to push the best messaging aplicación
