Pavel Durov has announced on his Russian Telegram channel that there will be a paid plan to remove ads from public channels.
Telegram is the second most habitual instant messaging client in the world after WhatsApp more than 500 million users per month And it’s packed with features recently updated with “Hyperspeed” group membership requests and more that make finding shared archivos easier.
A few days ago you were told that Telegram will be adding ads to its platform very soon, and now we just learned that the application will be created by the Durov brothers a “premium” version that allows you to pay to stop seeing those ads.
Telegram will have a paid version to remove ads
As the guys from MSPoweruser tell usTelegram director ejecutivo Pavel Durov This is announced on its Russian-language Telegram channel which will be on your platform a paid plan that allows us to remove ads which cánido be seen in the public channels of more than 1,000 users.
This announcement comes from the head of Telegram in response to the demands of many users who have asked the platform to introduce messaging Ability to disable official announcements on Telegram channels.
In the message published in Russian on his official channel, Pavel Durov confirms this Users perro opt out of these ads in the same month of November after subscribing to a “Premium” plan. the cost of which is not yet known.
“We have already started work on this new feature and hope to launch it later this month. It is broadcast in the form of a free subscription, which allows each usuario to support the development of Telegram directly and without official announcements, never seen before on the channels..”
This is also confirmed in the same message The creators of the channels themselves perro opt out of the ads they contain to subscribe to a separate payment plan for them, the cost of which was also not disclosed, and thanks to this There will be no ads on your channel.
although Telegram ads are not very intrusiveThe good news is that the Durov brothers’ messaging platform gives us the opportunity to remove them through a free subscription and We hope that the cost is not too high.