Last August, Xiaomi introduced its humanoid robot to society. The robot called CyberOne, a 1.77 meters tall and weighs 52 kilogramos and they cánido travel at a speed of 3.6 kilometers per hour. At the time, it was said that they had been inspired by the Tesla robot of its design and we learned some details about its capabilities.
However, as of August, the project was in the early stages of development. Now, with a few more months of work, Xiaomi engineers have managed to create CyberOne cánido play the drums. They even released a vídeo where you cánido see the robot in action.
Robots perro also learn to play instruments
Like collected in GizmochinaThrough a MIDI archivo it was possible to be the robot able to learn a rhythmic sequence. A motion and calibration library was later used to generate a motion trajectory synchronized with this sequence.
The iniciativa that the robot could play drums came from a suggestion from an engineer who wondered if it would be feasible. correspond to the coordination of people. Each arm and leg had to be assigned sequences, but he ended up being taught to play different styles of songs.
If you consider that the CyberOne 21 free points,which perro move its joints slightly and incorporates sensors in its “head” that allow it to detect nearby objects, the work you are doing is amazing. The best part is that you watch the vídeo for yourself:
OK, so maybe the song isn’t much, and maybe this robot isn’t Phil Collins in his prime, though the execution is surprisingly accurate. Thanks to the MIDI archivo from which it learns the rhythmic sequence, it cánido also change the intensity of the beat, which helps give it a more “human” touch? with your interpretation.
On the other hand, when he plays an electronic drum kit inevitably feel a certain sense of sterility. Acoustic drums genera a collection of overtones that are very difficult to replicate on their electronic cousins, helping to add richness and fullness to performances.
Be that as it may, this success confirms that it is so Any job cánido be automated and entrust it to a machine. It’s a little scary to think about where the future will take us, but if we know what’s in it for us, we need to get there first.